Comfortable and Furious

From Ocean’s to Casino Royale: How Cinema Reflected the World of Gambling

Gambling is not only a way of entertainment, but also a source of inspiration for many filmmakers. With casino culture, like the concept of the £3 deposit casino, seen as an accessible yet appealing place for different walks of life, cinema has found a rich ground for stories of passion, deception and the greatest of bets. In this article, we take a look at some of the most famous and popular films about gambling and how they reflect the reality of the phenomenon.

Ocean and his crew: masters of heists

One of the most famous casino film sagas is the Ocean’s trilogy, in which Danny Ocean (George Clooney) and his team of experts in various fields plan and execute daring heists of the largest and most secure casinos in Las Vegas.

The films about Ocean and his team show casinos not only as a place to gamble, but also as a target for crime. They show the variety of games that casinos offer, such as blackjack, poker, roulette, slots, etc., and how they are controlled and guarded. However, the main interest for the heroes is not the game itself, but the possibility to cheat the system and get huge winnings. To do this, they use various tricks, stratagems, techniques and skills that make the viewer admire their ingenuity and synchronicity.

Casino Royale: Spy Poker

If we talk about poker films, we cannot fail to mention Casino Royale, the twenty-first film about the adventures of Agent 007 James Bond (Daniel Craig). The film Casino Royale shows poker not only as a game, but also as a means of combat, diplomacy and psychology. Poker becomes a way of measuring the strength, intelligence and character of the characters, as well as their capacity for deception, risk and endurance. Poker also serves as an occasion to develop the plot and the relationships between the characters, and to show different aspects of a spy’s life, such as luxury, danger, violence and love.

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Other films about gambling

Apart from the films mentioned above, there are many other examples of cinema that deal with the world of gambling. Here are some of them:


A film about two friends who play poker to make money and pay off debts. One of them, Mike (Matt Damon), is trying to quit the game and become a lawyer, while the other, Worm (Edward Norton), has just gotten out of prison and is drawn back into the underground world of poker. The film shows the different styles and levels of poker play and how the game affects the lives and relationships of the characters.

“Molly’s Game.”

A film based on the autobiographical book of Molly Bloom, who organised the most expensive and exclusive poker games in the world involving celebrities, businessmen and criminals. Molly (Jessica Chastain) was a former skier who, after an injury, decided to start a new life in Los Angeles. There, she began working as an assistant to one of the poker players, and soon began hosting them herself. The film shows the different sides of the poker game and how it relates to power, money, ambition and corruption.

How film art influences the world of gambling

Film art also influences the world of gambling by creating certain images, stereotypes and expectations in viewers and players. For example: Cinema popularises and romanticises gambling, making it attractive and desirable to many people. It also instils the idea that gambling can be an easy and quick way to make money, change lives or solve problems.

Cinema also shapes certain ideas about the rules, strategies and etiquette of gambling. It gives the impression that gambling can be controlled or cheated through various tricks, gimmicks or technology.

Cinema also influences the choice of games, casinos and gambling platforms. It may contribute to the popularity of certain games, such as poker or blackjack, or certain casinos, such as Las Vegas or Macau. 


Gambling and cinema have a close and reciprocal relationship, which is evident in the various films that deal with the subject. Gambling serves not only as a source of inspiration, but also as a tool for creating interesting and exciting plots, characters and conflicts. Cinema, in turn, influences the perceptions, behaviours and preferences of viewers and players in relation to gambling. Thus, gambling and cinema form a complex and dynamic dialogue that reflects and shapes different aspects of culture and society.





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