Comfortable and Furious

Author: Kevin

  • First Man

    First Man

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    Nerds. Have you ever ridden Mission Space at Epcot? I have and I love it. My wife has also and decidedly did not love it. I think her exact words were I have a headache and I might throw up. First Man has the same effect without requiring that pesky centrifuge to simulate increased G-forces.…

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  • Venom


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    Where have all the villains gone? According to IGN, Venom is the twenty-second greatest comic book villain of all-time. I have no idea what that really means because I do not read comic books. I would be very hard-pressed to name twenty-three comic book villains at all (unless we are just naming X-Men bad guys),…

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  • A Star is Born (2018)

    A Star is Born (2018)

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    Loose strings. Immediately after watching A Star is Born, I felt satisfied. For the past two months, I have been sitting through movies that range from tolerable to ghastly. Recently, I was asked if I had seen any good movies lately, and my brain took a nap. Christopher Robin was pretty good, but that was…

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  • The Best Pop Movie Award: Coming in 2019

    The Best Pop Movie Award: Coming in 2019

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    The Best Pop Movie Award: Coming in 2019 And the Oscar Goes to: On August 7, 2018, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences governors, a.k.a. those people who continue to not recognize your favorite movie, announced they would finally recognize your favorite movie. You heard that right. Starting in 2019, a new Oscar…

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  • The Predator

    The Predator

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    Flipping stupid. Eight years ago, I was only a fledgling movie critic. At that time, I did not have press credentials, I was not part of the Denver Film Critic Society, and I was mostly writing as part of a podcast I co-hosted about reality TV shows (long story). I was also not yet attending…

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  • The Nun

    The Nun

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    Holy shit. (Their words, but who am I to argue?). My first-grade teacher was Sister Julianna. No last name – she was married to God and God does not have a last name. Like Prince. Which is kind of ironic when you think about how weird some religious dudes get about their new wives taking…

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  • Kin


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    I cannot explain myself. Do you know what the best Labor Day weekend box office (U.S. only) result is for any movie since 1982? Take a guess. Lower. No, lower. $30.5 million. Now, try to guess what movie earned that number.* You know what – forget that. Try to name any movie that opened on…

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  • Operation Finale

    Operation Finale

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    It is a good thing I like history. Operation Finale is the story of how a team of Israeli Mossad agents captured Adolf Eichmann, one of the top Nazi SS officers and main organizers of the Holocaust. Eichmann was discovered living in Argentina under a false identity, captured in 1960 and taken to Israel, where…

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  • Mile 22

    Mile 22

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    Just brutal. As I have been thinking about what to say about Mile 22, I spent some time perusing other reviews to see what other critics have been saying. Of note, the early-review embargo for Mile 22 was not lifted until Thursday, so pickings were slim. The initial consensus was that the movie is a…

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  • The Meg

    The Meg

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    I’m meltiiiiinnnnngggg. Am I a bad parent for taking my six year-old to see The Meg? Maybe. In my defense, he really, REALLY wanted to see it. I am not saying it is a good defense, just a defense that is slightly more effective than that of the Cleveland Browns. Hi Clevelanders. At some point,…

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