There are 266 entries in Rants

Devilish Dwarves
Read more: Devilish DwarvesThere’s a famous old Peter Cook and Dudley Moore sketch in which a one-legged actor auditions for Tarzan. The casting agent can’t believe what he’s being confronted with (“I’ve got nothing against your right leg. The trouble is, neither have you”) while the disabled actor remains oblivious to his chances of snagging the athletic role.…
Akira (1988): An XTC perspective
In category (ies) : RantsRead more: Akira (1988): An XTC perspectiveThe first time I saw this 1988 Japanese manga-movie, I was very much under the influence of XTC. Or Molly, as I believe you weird American people also like to call it. You know, that stuff that makes your brain get flooded with massive amounts of things like serotonin, dopamine and other nice things. Just…
Murder, Torture & Religion
Read more: Murder, Torture & ReligionMurder and torture are as old as humanity. Ever since man first invented the club, he probably used it to kill another caveman. Murder in the name of religion probably wasn’t very far behind. Overzealous faith has been used as an excuse to torture and kill since the beginning of recorded history. What follows are…
Annoying Fuckers
Read more: Annoying FuckersMost people are annoying. It doesn’t matter whether they’re a droning colleague, that snarky online twat who just won’t see sense, some random queue jumper, a younger sibling, the halitosis-afflicted taxi driver taking the long way round, a right wing foreign president, a neighbor loudly playing music or that hotty in the supermarket who looks…
Forrest Gump: The Movie We Love (To Loathe)
Read more: Forrest Gump: The Movie We Love (To Loathe)There is one movie that has upset me so deeply that I cannot help but write a rant about it. For years this film has been praised and lauded ad nauseum, and I’m sick of it.
The 7 Types of Addicts You Meet Working in a Pharmacy
Read more: The 7 Types of Addicts You Meet Working in a PharmacyI Spilled My Meds Down the Sink (odd how this never happens with antibiotics), My Meds Got Stolen, You Must Have Miscounted,
Read more: RegretsFresh off another round of treatment – not the noble, heroic, radiator treatment… but, you know, the other kind, I’ve been ruminating on a number of things. Specifically, regrets.
The Best Film Ever Made About…
Read more: The Best Film Ever Made About…Everything a married couple experiences during the average evening: lies, recriminations, pettiness, alcohol abuse, adultery, and…
The 20 Most Ruthless Movie Performances of All Time
Read more: The 20 Most Ruthless Movie Performances of All TimeThe Dark Gospel According To Matt Cale
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Ruthless Reviews is an international website that has been around for over 2 decades. Our primary focus is on not only current movies and their reviews, but more importantly, the analysis of Classical masterpieces and our favorites, like 80’s Action movies and their heroes.
We also love our Top 10 lists and the love and disdain for Black Metal Music.
Ruthless Reviews has the largest collection of Christmas Movie Reviews on the Internet, as well as Rants galore, and the ABC’s of just about everything. We are Comfortable, but Furious, if you know what I mean.
Our writers include attorneys, doctors, professional gamblers, Hollywood film pros, and ex-cons. Don’t judge us, and we won’t judge you.
So, thanks for stopping by, enjoy and you are always welcome to contact us.

The Ruthless Guide to 80s Action Movies: Volume 1
by Erich Schulte (Author), Matt Cale (Author), Mike McGowan (Author), John Gautreaux (Author), Devon Pack (Author), Sarah Sarah Rhodes (Author), Shelby Sherman (Author), Michael Behrens (Author), Juan Konstantin (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
Have the book in any format from Amazon
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Manchester By The Sea and political correctness
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Why This Year’s Oscar Movies Suck
A Look At The Extreme Lengths People Will Go To Watch A Film
Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize Is Boomers’ Latest Attempt To Cram The Entire World Up Their Asses
America’s Next Top Nazi
The Race And Class Election Puzzle, Solved By A Guy Who Loves Seagal Movies.
Why I’m A Free Speech Absolutist
7 True Crimes That Deserve To Be Ripped From The Headlines
Why Humanity Deserves A Moon Vault
Captain America: A Blockbuster for Blockheads
Noah: A Rant
L. Ron Mexico’s Three Health Tips to Avoid and Three Health Tips to Enjoy
God’s Not Dead: Christian Movie Trailer
The Door’s Ray Manzarek: Eulogy for an Organ Player
The Duggars: 18 And counting no more
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Ringers: Lord of the Fans (2005)
The Freak Kingdom Answers His Critics
Onward Christian Psychos